What is Microsoft Word?

What is Microsoft Word?


Microsoft WORD is a of MS  office package. This is developed and sold Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Word is Word is word processing software which provides facilities for quickly & easily create, edit, format, print and store documents using a computer . It also allows user to view & edit the entire document on screen before printing. Word Perfect, Page Maker, Wordpro are some other word processing software ‘s available in the market.

It is an application software which is meant for a document in different formats, style, size, patterns etc in a very easy way. The default file name for MS Word document is .doc


  1. Read and revise a document  on screen effect
  2. Change the formatting to get the desired visual effect
  3. Increase productivity by automating (Auto Correct)
  4. More efficient proof reading (Spelling & Grammar Check)
  5. Save a document and work on it later
  6. Mail merge (Send one letter to the number of addresses at a time)
  7. Managing tabular types data


Choose the Microsoft Word icon in the Programs menu of the Start menu or by double clicking similar to this one.

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word

The opening screen consists of Title Bar, Menu Bar, Standard Toolbar, Formatting Toolbar, Horizontal / Vertical Rulers, Horizontal / Vertical Scroll bars, Status Bar, Working Area & Task Pane.


In the first 2/3 of the screen, you see a new document. In the “New Document” pane, the last 1/3 of the screen, you will see most recently saved documents, options to create a new document, and the New from Template options.

When you click on any of your most recently saved documents, Microsoft Word will open them. If you click on one of the options under “New” , such as “Blank Document”, Word will create a blank document for you. Under Templates, you will be presented with the templates if you choose “General Templates”, you will be presented with the templates and create new documents with them.


Alternative choose NEW option from FILE menu to create a new document or choose OPEN options from FILE menu to open an existing document.


All the commands you use to create, edit, save, and print a document are found in Microsoft Word’s menu bar, located at the top of the windows.

Each menu groups together related commands, something using submenus to further group commands.

  • File menu – Create, open, save, print, and close documents.
  • Edit menu – Perform editing functions on your document, including copying, cutting, and pasting text and objects, moving to various points in the document and undoing and redoing actions.
  • View menu – Change the document’s display size and style.
  • Insert menu – Insert objects into your documents, including graphics, page numbers and other fields, symbols, AutoText, and hyperlinks.
  • Format menu – Apply formatting to the text and objects in your documents.
  • Tools menu – Use Word’s tools, such as the spell and grammar checker, macro recorder, and track changes, and format tables.
  • Table menu – Insert and format tables.
  • Window menu – Work with multiple open document windows.
  • Help menu – Access Microsoft Word’s online help.


Move up a line                 Up arrow key or click on up arrow on scroll bar

Move down a line           Down arrow key or click on down arrow on scroll bar.

Move up a page               Page Up key or click on ribbon on vertical scroll bar

Move down a page          Page down key or click on ribbon on vertical scroll bar

Start of document           Ctrl + Home key or drag the box on scroll bar to the bottom

End of document            Ctrl + End key or drag the box on scroll bar to the bottom

Start of Line                     Home key or click at start of line

End of line                        End key or click at end of line

One word left                  Ctrl + left arrow key

One word right                Ctrl + right arrow key


Paint text                           Click the mouse at start of text and drag to the end of text

Word                                  Double click on the word

Line / Para                        Triple click on the line / paragraph

Sentence                            Ctrl + Click on the sentence

Entire document              Ctrl + Click the mouse in selection area (left of the page)

Graphics / objects            Click anywhere within the object


To copy text from one place in your document to another place, Select the text you want to copy open the Edit menu and select Copy. Position the insertion point in the location where you want to copy the text, Open the Edit menu and select Paste. This creates a copy of the text in the new location , leaving the original text in place.

Instead of using the Edit menu, you can use the Copy and Paste buttons on the Standard toolbar, or press Ctrl + C on your keyboard to copy and Ctrl + V to paste.

To move text to a new location, you use the Cut command instead of Copy command.

Select the text you want to move, open the Edit menu and select Cut. Position the insertion point in the location where you want to move the text, Open the Edit menu and select Paste.

You can also click the cut button on the Standard toolbar, or press Ctrl + X on your keyboard.

The UNDO & REDO commands as the names suggest can undo any action and subsequently redo an undone action. The UNDO & REDO commands are available in EDIT menu. Word allows to undo multiple operations as well as, redo multiple operations.

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