What is UNIX Operations ?

UNIX Operations

UNIX or LINUX is case sensitive. Therefore the correct case has to be used white giving the command.

Directory Commands

The Pwd Command-
  • Purpose – This command is used to display the absolute pathname of the working directory.
  • Syntax – $pwd
The mkdir Command-
  • Purpose – This command is used to remove a directory.
  • Syntax – $mkdir <path name> <directory name>
  • Examples – $mkdir mydir
The rmdir Command
  • Purpose – This command is used to remove a directory
  • Syntax – $rmdir <path name> <directory name>
  • Examples – $rmdir mydir
The cd Command 
  • Purpose – This command is used to change the working directory.
  • Syntax – $cd <path name> <directory name>
  • Examples – $cd mydir , $cd….

File Commands

The Is Command
  • Purpose – The purpose of the command is used to get a listing of the contents of a directory.
  • Syntax – $Is (options) <path name> <file name>
  • Examples


$Is – x

$Is – I myprog

The cat Command –
  • Purpose – This Command can be used to view the contents of a file or to create a file.
  • Syntax – $cat <path name><file name>
  • Example –

$cat dept

$cat file.c

$cat > new.txt

The cp Command
  • Purpose – The purpose of this command is to copy one or more files.
  • Syntax – $cp (options) <path name> <file name>
  • Examples

$cp file1 file2

$cp file1 /usr/guest/file2

$cp file1 /usr/guest

$cp file1 file2 file3 /usr/guest

The rm Command
  • Purpose – The purpose of this command is to delete one or more files.
  • Syntax – $rm (options) <path name> <file name>
  • Examples –

$rm file1

$rm file1 file2

The mv Command
  • Purpose –  The purpose of this command is to move one or more files from one directory to another. This Command can also be used  for renaming of files and directories.
  • Syntax – $mv (options) <path name> <file name>
  • Examples –

$mv file1 file2

$mv file1/usr/guest/file2

$mv file1 /usr/guest

$mv file1 file2 file3/usr/guest

Other Commands

The more Command
  • Purpose – This command can be used as a paging tool.
  • Syntax – $more (options) <file name>
  • Example – $more chap1
The wc Command
  • Purpose – This command can be used to count the number of lines words and characters of one or more files.
  • Syntax – $wc (options) <file name>
  • Examples –

$wc chap1

$wc – chap1 chap2

$wc – w chap3

$wc – I chap1 chap2

$wc – wc chap3

The cmp Command
  • Purpose – This command can be used to compare two files. The contents of the two files, which are compared, are shown before the comparison is done.
  • Syntax – $cmp (options) <file name1> <file name2>
  • Examples –

$cmp chap1 chap2

$cmp -I chap1 chap2

The cal Command
  • Purpose – This command is used  to display the calendar.
  • Syntax – $cal <month> <year>
  • Examples

$cal 1999

$cal 11 1999

The date Command
  • Purpose – This command can be used to view the system date.
  • Syntax – $date (options)
  • Examples


$date + %d

$date + %m%d

The who am i Command
  • Purpose – This command is used to display the login details of the user who issued the command.
  • Syntax – $who am i
  • Examples

$who am i











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